Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sock Mittens

We knew that moving back to this part of the world would mean being very cold all winter long.  Still, knowing it and living in it are two very different things.

A lot of homes here have central heat in the form of radiators, but they run on diesel, which most homeowners find too expensive for use.  So typically, the only heat source that may be available in a home is a space heater.  Current weather tends to be in the 50's outside during the day, but when there's no consistent heat source inside, the indoor temperature never breaks 60 either.  It's usually somewhere around 55 degrees in here, which feels crazy cold when you aren't really moving around a lot.  That's why one of our most important early purchases was slippers for E and me, and that's why Little Guy sleeps in this (and under blankets):

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