Sunday, January 15, 2012

Up Next

2011 was pretty satisfying and included several personal benchmarks: I passed my social work licensing exam, started running and completed two 5k races, got my first couple of white hairs, spent an incredible two weeks in Japan with E, and turned 30.

And now, for something completely different, I'm working on a little guy who will be joining us in June - just about five months from now!

It turns out that, clueless though we are, prepping for a baby is a great project - it engages particular habits and nerdistries in both of us.  For example, I get to gain knowledge and organize information, maybe even make a spreadsheet if I'm really lucky.  Ethan gets to browse Craigslist and move furniture around.  The highlight of his weekend, maybe of his month, was buying a like-new glider with ottoman ($25!) in anticipation of late-night baby rocking.

1 comment:

~Rachel~ said...

HOOOOOOOOWEEEEEE!!! And YEEEEHAW! :) Rock on you two.... I mean three!

lots of love!